Statutory Documents
Please find below the following statutory documents for our trust and schools.
Eko Trust Scheme of Delegation - this can be downloaded from here.
Eko Trust Audited Financial Accounts 2016-17 - this can be downloaded from here.
Eko Trust Articles of Association - this can be downloaded from here.
Eko Trust Audited Financial Accounts 2017-18 - this can be downloaded from here.
Union Facility Time Report - this can be downloaded from here.
Gender Pay Gap report 2019 - this can be downloaded from here.
Eko Trust Audited Financial accounts 2018-19 can be downloaded from here.
Funding Agreements
Please find below the Funding Agreements for all the schools in the trust.
Earlham Primary School Funding Agreement can be downloaded from here.
Eleanor Smith School Supplemental Funding Agreement can be downloaded from here.
Gainsborough Primary School Funding Agreement can be downloaded from here.
Gainsborough Primary School Supplemental Funding Agreement can be downloaded from here.
Kaizen Primary School Funding Agreement can be downloaded from here.
Kaizen Primary School Supplemental Funding Agreement can be downloaded from here.
Eko Trust Funding Agreement can be downloaded from here.