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About us

All our schools are committed to working towards the same vision, values, mission and principles, while retaining their own individuality. Our latest short film helps explain that commitment here

More detail can be found in our latest brochure

Our Mission


Every member of our community is empowered to learn, to be ambitious and to be resilient


Vitality, Optimism, Integrity, Courage, Equity



We are:

  • open to learn from each other
  • thoughtful and inspiring
  • understanding of each other’s strengths, weaknesses, background and motivations
  • trustworthy and loyal to the team
  • respectful when challenging
  • resilient when challenged
  • clear and honest and have the courage to disagree.

We do:

  • have the highest professional standards and celebrate our achievements
  • look after ourselves and each others well being
  • accept there will be challenges and give each other space and time
  • listen & respect each other
  • support opinions with facts and evidence
  • express gratitude
  • deliver in an accurate, timely and cost effective way.